The Heartthrob Of Project Whole Earth Foundation That Builds It A Model

BTC 4 Future
3 min readJun 4, 2021

Whenever people talk about crypto, a derogatory picture is also linked to virtual currency. How should this blockchain technology not be seen as an impetus to promote infrastructure growth by including ordinary citizens? The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF) has massive potential in this regard. The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF) is a Non-Profit Organization that proposes to make use of the Whole Earth Access (WEA) platform to hook up general citizens and infrastructure service providers by providing access to a data source containing detailed information regarding their infrastructure and an ecosystem designed to facilitate collaboration and communication.

WEF’s Database Of The Whole World

All of them spoke of one phrase at the time: decentralization. It is essential to decentralize virtual currencies and blockchain technologies. The core of the Vietnam war protests and hippie culture was the West Coast, especially northern California, where Silicon Valley lies. People became irritated with the thought of seeing their families sent to participate “in the senseless war” and expected to kill each other with strangers. Driven by this thinking, this ultimately led to a massive anti-war campaign. The hippie way of life was born to live without relying on the central administration.

WEF’s Take On Virtual Currency As An Incentive To Save Infrastructure

For example, if a person experiences a leak in a water pipe, a mobile app will report the leak to the water provider. It will help people maintain their municipal facilities, and the water utility would not have to use its employees to trace any leak. Instead of providing ways for people to communicate on infrastructure management in their everyday lives, the length between citizens and infrastructure providers will be more comprehensive, and contact between them will be activated. This small case will not matter by itself. Ultimately people become aware of their own facilities and begin to worry about the costs of water pipes being degraded. The whole Earth Foundation will help people to understand the issues better.

The Future Of Whole Earth Foundation

Infrastructure is incorporated into the daily life of the resident. It belongs to the people living there, and state bodies should not centrally manage it. When Japan joins society with a decreasing population, does it not make fragmented infrastructure more democratic? The vision of “We Democratize the Infrastructures Management” was founded by the Whole Earth Foundation. It aims to fill up information on infrastructure maintenance in general, building blockchains and incorporating virtual currencies as an incentive to foster the divide between citizen and municipal government corporations and local governments.

Participants will earn a blockchain-based token (Whole Earth Coin, hereafter WEC) to provide high-quality data, enabling a free and open marketplace to create an efficient exchange of essential data. This approach is expected to help establish a system that promotes regular maintenance and renewal of infrastructure while raising the topic’s general citizens’ interest. So without any hesitation, join the project Whole Earth Foundation and touch the future of the decentralized world.

Do you want to know more about the project? Check the links below



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Author — btc4future (BTT username)


ERC20 Wallet Address: 0x61586Fe6e6978f7e240833f9Cce7Dee861a31Edf

